
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Small Harvest; Big Thanks

Organic Mustard Greens, Swiss Chard and Acorn Squash Blossom
Organic grown mustard greens, Swiss chard and Acorn Squash blossoms from the Clan Garden. A small harvest but none the less appreciated by this would be homestead. This is not a showing of my hard work; another young woman put her sweat, time, strength and wit into hoeing the land, picking out rocks and other debris, hauling the cinder blocks, buying the plants and transporting the mother acorn squash to the raised bed. It is my honor to have the responsibility to maintain that level of care that was first invested by Rhi.

Our garden is flourishing, so much so that I know must prune the acorn squash's runner vines and a few leaves every other day. She's an aggressive one but fertile, we already have six baby Squashes working there way up in the world. The mint has only refrained from exploding everywhere by virtue of the Mother. That squash will fight mint for every inch of soil and sunlight she can. I've pruned back the lemon balm, purple sage, spearmint and the squash herself to give the Clan something yummy to enjoy and all the plants some breathing room. I have been contemplating digging up a second raised bed and transferring the Twins (two daughters from the Mother) over to that bed. These lovely blossoms came from Twin #1.

Wishing you all lucky and bounty with your own gardens and dreams.  May you have a very Happy Sunday, from the Heart of Home.

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