
Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Love of the Home

7:45am rolls around and I roll out of my bed. My normal wake up time is from 6:00am until 8:00am, depending on what chores need to be done that day. I go and shower, dress and begin the morning ritual. I get my matches and light the candles. One by the front door and one on the windowsill overlooking the sink in the kitchen. One for a prayer of protection for our threshold, the other for a prayer of bounty for our larder. Trash is gathered and taken outside. Normally, Kieran will do this part this task of the household but when I can I pitch in. Water is put in the kettle for tea, a picnic shoulder or whole chicken is taken out of the deep freezer in early preparation for tonight's dinner. Last night I harvest rainbow chard and squash blossoms for the picnic shoulder. I get Rose up around 9:00am and get her changed,dressed and head downstairs to make breakfast. I cut up apples and pour out raisins, toast wheat bread and top it with butter. Then we sit down to watch a Disney movie while we have breakfast.

After breakfast I will start Rose's laundry, sorting between things that are 2T, 3T and 4T. The 2T clothing will go to my niece Addie Rae and Rose will keep the 3 and 4T clothing. I have been setting up Rose's room to look more like a pre-school class room. Since she will not be three until four days after the cut off for Head Start registration, I will be starting what I call "Home Start" here in the Clan home. I have found an alphabet border, Angela gave us animal posters with facts on them and today I will be hanging up a growth chart. We will be converting Rose's crib to a toddler bed soon and I am working on a Bambi quilt to match Rose's pillow case. I will also be hanging a Bambi movie poster in her room.

Tonight I will go out to the garden, wipe down the squash and prune back any runners of weeds. We have fifteen squash total, at least seven of which will undoubtedly survive until harvest down. Two have come off of the vine early and I am attempting to ripen them in accordance to instructions I found of pumpkins. This are Japanese pumpkins and I'm confidant it will work. The squash are continuing toward a dark green color and we have four that have turns a bright orange.

Also, our Brown Turk fig tree is growing steadily. I will have to transport it out of its pot and into soil soon.

Since I left the Maids, I have been able to turn my heart and attentions back into the home. This includes many things; upkeep of the house and its cleaning, food preparation and storage, laundry, caring for children and pets, and enjoy extra time with my husband. Words cannot express how good it is to have this time, to turn my focus back toward the home. It is work and it is a blessing.

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