
Sunday, July 24, 2016

Heart's Pride

Wednesday saw Colin and I headed south to Fort Jackson, South Carolina to see Rhiannon graduate Army Basic training. The sun beat down on the sand and pine trees, filling the air with the bright smell of the South. It was a good day and my thrift store dress did me good service. Rhiannon is sharp and I don't have the words to tell you how very proud I am of her. She has worked so hard and kept her chin up through the more grueling parts of her training. We spent two days with her and then we took her up to Fort Lee, Virginia where her AIT training will be taking place.

 We wished we could have taking her back with us to Tennessee for a while but there was little time for it. She was due to report and so we dropped her off at Fort Lee after much goodbyes. Rhi may well we coming home in October and that does our hearts much good. Kieren's birthday is then and it would be wonderful if Rhi could come home just in time for the celebration. Already, I am planning a birthday/home coming feast that is full of fresh, baked bread and I'll put a lovely pie or cake in my glass rose stand.

Now, back at home, I have been watching the garden and our new watermelons growing. The rabbits are on the back half and I have taking out the live trap and baited it. A little more fur and a little more meat will not go amiss in this clanhold, to be sure.

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