
Monday, February 22, 2016

Electric Brain

Now that I have everything turned into the district manager of Plant Partners, I am as eager as a racehorse at the starting gate to get my schedule and start working. Work=Money=Homestead and my brain is buzzing like a swarm of bees.

I'm also super excited because S.J Tucker, one of my favorite musical artist, just released a new song in honor of her birthday. The song is entitled "Snow Moon" and you can find it for the next lunar cycle on Please consider donating to Sooj for her enchanting and wonderful piece of music.

All signs point to the likeliness that I will be attending my first ever Caldera Pagan Music Festival in May as a late 32nd birthday present to myself. S.J Tucker will be there, as well as Damh the Bard. I am super excited. It's right before I will start my first day of classes, so what a way to start off my academic year.

I am also pleased that as of 6:50pm, when last I checked, the Heart of Home: Finding my Homestead was at 5,998 pageviews, So close to 6,000!

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