
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Finally! Kiko Fest and Bees!

Firstly and foremost, I apologize for how long it has taken me to get this post out. Life has bounded away from me like the cagy buck and I have been dodging, running through fog, fen and bills to close the distance. So without any more adieu, I give you the IKGA 11th  Kiko Fest 2014.  

There were not many bucks at Kiko Fest but this one took the cake. Hoss, as he was named on the docket, was a beautiful 100% New Zealand buck with horns a foot and a half long easy. His hair was cream chased in dark chocolate, dark stout with just the right amount of foam. From a romantic view, he was like some fell and dark unicorn and he had a magnificent beard.  I wish I had taken a picture of his docket, for it held a good story of his fine breeding. Alas, there was so much to cover at Kiko fest and I only had a handful of hours to get it done. Below I took pictures of two more 100% New Zealand bucks and one buck whom I believe was  50% NZ Kiko and 50% Saanen. He is the one who is nearly cream white throughout his body.

Above- The buck on the left was my favorite out of the entire lot. He was very personable and his cinnamon and cream coloring was beautiful.

Right- 50% NZ Kiko and 50% Saanen. Lovely.

Then we get to the heart of the matter...Does.  Its all about the ladies.

 Does, be they meat or milk breeds, are the driving force behind the practice of raising goats. Their blood lines, if excellent, and performance, if fertile, are remarked upon with great fervor among the breeders that I spoke with . It was amazing to be there among those people, all very nearly cut from the same cloth I have been searching for. I wish I could say my research was a little more scientific but I went there with a great love in my heart and on the wings of my dreams. Thank the gods that I did not go with money in my pocket. I would have easily come back with two does and if I had cash, a buck service, for kids in the spring. My Clan would have been a little overwhelm.

 Later this week I will have my interview with the president of the International Kiko Goat Association typed up and will share that with you all. More pictures will be posted on request.

This morning finds the Clan warm, well shielded from the cold that has settled in the Valley. The wind has picked up and while the mountains got much in the way of snow...not so much us. The chill was bone deep and yesterday proved a valuable lesson in doing things early. Putting up the greenhouse in the cold rain, high wind and near darkness was more than the three of us every want to relive.  The Clan was happy this morning to know that we shall be getting bees in the springs. Honey, candles and soap know are more than just dreams. They are well on their way to being parts of our living, breathing life. I fill my heart with plans for lemon and orange water soap and beeswax candles.

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