
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Morning Pie Baking and other Treasures

The sweet perfume of cinnamon and organic cane sugar curls around the warm air of the kitchen here at home. The living room, the dinning area and the kitchen make up the mid level in the house, a path making a happy circle. There are two recessed, sliding doors that lead to the kitchen; in days gone past perhaps these doors were actually connected to their tracks and did just that to allow the mother or father cooking to relax while doing so. Now they sit always open; the kitchen is a hub of Clan activity and there is almost always someone in it doing something. This morning, I slipped downstairs to gaze across the one acre of our back yard. It is too chilly to go walking in the dew and dim. The kitchen is awash in gold light as Colin inspects our erring dishwasher.

Maybe a cup of coffee is in order. Soon, when the coffee maker is done brewing its lovely elixir. Less than a minute now until the pie is done and Colin playfully lectures me about some aside I have made to the background conversation gathered around the television. The house is growing toward warmer on a physical level but emotionally the warmth is complete and permeates every square inch of the home.

The good news I might have mentioned is that come spring we shall be getting our first bees. One hive complete without frames, with queen excluder and a full size top feeder will be arriving any day now. The frames will come in the weeks later and when the weather warms, bees!

Carolans's Welcome by Orla Fallon is one of my favorite instrumental pieces when the air turns cold and the nights become full of velvet shadows and diamond stars. In the crisp, mountain air the stars burn icy shades of pewter and cyan when the sun sets. My mind turns back to the pie as the timer goes off and I wander over to turn off the heating elements and let it linger in the oven. I turn on the light and the clan gathers near to admire its height and the shinning, deep orange filling in the center. I wish I had heavy cream for whip cream but the pie itself is a blessing. To have my husband safe and asleep upstairs is a miracle giving last night's car accident that put the final nail in my Malibu's coffin. While turning onto Westland avenue, a car blind sided him and dug a trench I could have laid down in down the driver's side from headlight to back wheel well. Today one of the things on the to do list is to push the old Geo out of the garage and give her a full make over. After which the three working adults will still be able to go to work, a constant that is the life's blood of this household.

I will not ask for money or assistance from people. Only that you remember the Heart of Home Clan in the days to come when families and clans alike gather to comfort and give thanks at having each other close. These are holy days, these pewter grey morning's where the sky is as fluffy thick with clouds as a clean kitten. These are blessing, this velvet black nights with burning icy have our family whole and safe under the eyes of our Gods and the love in our hearts.

I am half way through Cold Antler Farm. I will have a lovely review for you all when I am done with it. Be safe and vigilant as you travel to your hearth sites and clan halls this season

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