
Monday, December 7, 2015

48 Minutes and Effort

This morning I took advantage of the fair weather and went out on the front half acre to collect wood. I brought my wheelbarrow, a hand saw, two strong hands, two steady head and my commitment to effort.

In forty eight minutes, I had collected all the fallen wood from our front half, the oak limbs ran a spectrum of size. Some were ideal for kindling, being about the thickness of my middle finger. The thinner branches I pulled apart my hand and despite the cool breeze, I was warm in just a short while. The larger limbs were about my forearm's circumference in thickness and I used the hand saw to cut them down into more manageable pieces. An entire wheelbarrow's worth of wood in under an hour, with minimal tools. That is a good bit of work done. I have some larger pieces I will be taking the axe to tomorrow morning to cut down to size.

I am pleased because the reality is I only have three large oak tress in the front half I can harvest from. All this wood harvested here at the clan hold goes to feed the smoker. Colin is frying up rabbit tomorrow night but later in the week I hope to smoke some beef brisket. This is one of the ways I cut costs here in the Clan, harvesting all our wood for the smoker from my own two acres. With luck and diligence, my Clan will never have to spent money for wood. That's a one good deal, in my thinking.


  1. Excellent!

    I've never had rabbit.

    Did you raise it or harvest it?

  2. We get out rabbits from Turning Point Farm out in Rutledge, TN. We plan to raise rabbits once we secure our homestead but for now we get them from the Hale family. We do purchase them live and do our own home processing, as I tan hides and furs.

    We fried the rabbit last night like one would do chicken and I cut up our last pumpkin from the garden, sprinkling it with cinnamon, nutmeg and butter. The last of the bread I made Saturday went to the table as well. :)
